Friday Nov 09, 2018
Ep 7. Are you using these 2 keys to ask effective questions?
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Following up from last week’s episode where we spoke about the two biggest barriers to asking good questions, we want to flip that around now and start to look at two fundamental keys that we can use to unlock good questions.
This episode is going to seem basic, and I really hope it isn’t anything new. But at certain times, we can easily lose track of these principles and our ability to learn and explore from all situations quickly dissolves.
Make sure you follow the Better Questions Better Life on the socials!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustin-elliott/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bqbl_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Ever wonder how someone who comes up with apps or design website or experiences? Well, make sure you check Milly Schmidt's interview on the Why 2 Podcast.
Milly has a vast career working in designing experiences, products, processes and even organisations. She is also a writer, teacher at General Assembly and all around really smart lady!
Thanks to her strong career and teaching experience, she is able to break down critical question asking principles and provides a lot of hidden wisdom of things you didn't think you needed to know - but you do!
Check our her website, and Twitter!
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Ep.5 Are you falling victim to the these two enemies of asking questions?
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
― Stephen R. Covey
When it comes to asking the best questions to live the best life, we need to address the two biggest enemies stopping you from achieving this.
We need to go back to basics and start to make sure that the concepts we will be building over the coming weeks and months aren’t being silently undermined by two silent phenomenon robbing you of your ability to ask good questions.
In this episode I talk about:
1.) My own experiences falling victim to these two enemies
2.) Strategies on how to recognising them
3.) And lay down some foundations on how we will continue to address them over the coming weeks and months.
Check our the website for links to the podcast/youtube and resources: www.betterquestionsbetterlife.com
Links to Fiona Triaca’s Interview on the Why 2 Podcast: https://www.betterquestionsbetterlife.co/why-2-podcast-1/2018/3/7/20-fiona-triaca-the-nuts-and-bolts-of-starting-a-business
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Today's episode is part 2 of Narelle Fraser's interview. Narelle is a retired Police Detective with the Victoria Police who has a career spanning 27 years. 15 of those as a Detective at the Rape and Homicide Squads and Missing Persons Unit, but dedicating much of her career to investigating child abuse and sex offences.
This interview is an amazing glimpse and rare glimpse in to how she went about asking questions and investigations. Both with victims who had suffered some of the most horrific things a person can experience, and asking questions to those who committed these crimes.
I highly recommend you check our some more episodes where Narelle goes in to more detail about some of the things she experienced in her career.
Link to Australian True Crime (iTunes)
Make sure you follow the Better Questions Better Life on the socials!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustin-elliott/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bqbl_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Ep.3 Why the questions you're probably asking right now, aren't working.
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
“Look for people who have lots of great questions. Smart people are the ones who ask the most thoughtful questions, as opposed to thinking they have all the answers. Great questions are a much better indicator of future success than great answers.”
― Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work
Welcome back to the second episode of the Better Questions Better Life Podcast all focused around how we can ask better questions to live better lives.
This episode is really focused on taking stock of the questions we’re probably asking right now and getting you to start taking stock of some of the questions you’re probably asking that aren’t serving you.
I talk about:
What pizza and asking good questions have in common.
What makes a bad question.
Give you a quick list of some of the most common questions we ask, that aren’t serving us.
Make sure you follow the Better Questions Better Life on the socials!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustin-elliott/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bqbl_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Today's episode features Narelle Fraser who is a retired Police Detective with the Victoria Police who has a career spanning 27 years. 15 of those as a Detective at the Rape and Homicide Squads and Missing Persons Unit, but dedicating much of her career to investigating child abuse and sex offences.
This interview is an amazing glimpse and rare glimpse in to how she went about asking questions and investigations. Both with victims who had suffered some of the most horrific things a person can experience, and asking questions to those who committed these crimes.
I highly recommend you check our some more episodes where Narelle goes in to more detail about some of the things she experienced in her career.
Link to Australian True Crime (iTunes)
Make sure you follow the Better Questions Better Life on the socials!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustin-elliott/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bqbl_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Ep.1 How you can ask better questions to live a better life
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins
Welcome to the first episode in the Why 2 Podcast’s first episode of the new miniseries all focused around how we can ask better questions to live better lives.
This first episode is a short introduction to this new project and centers around answering 3 key questions:
1. What is it?
2. Why did I create it?
3. Why should you care??!?!
Make sure you follow the Better Questions Better Life on the socials!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustin-elliott/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bqbl_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betterquestionsbetterlife/
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
27. Kate McCready - A practical approach to crossing the chasm
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
After having celebrated the Why 2 Podcast being over a year old now, interviewing over 25 amazing professionals from a variety of backgrounds, today's episode gets right at the heart of the Why 2 Podcast is trying to achieve.
It's all about answering the question, how do you cross the chasm from where you are, to where you want to be?
Simple question, but as many of you listening are well aware of, not as easy as it sounds. This process is fraught with uncertainty about where you are, where you want to go, and how to cross the chasm to get to that life that you envision and dream about every day.
And to do that, today’s episode features the wonderful Kate McCready.
Kate McCready runs her own Career & Work-Life coaching practice and works with individuals in helping them answer this question here. She also runs the top-rated podcast called the Good Work Revolution which strongly recommend giving it a listen.
Connect with Kate on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, her podcast, and check out her website.
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
26. Ruby Lee - Own your hustle (Ruby Lee & Why 2 Podcast Takeover Edition)
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
This episode of the Why 2 Podcast is a very special one as I've invited the wonderful and talented Ruby Lee who hosts the Own Your Hustle Podcast, to take the microphone over in this Takeover edition of the Why 2 Podcast.
Ruby has been a personal inspiration for me over the last few years as I've followed her journey as she's developeded her own side hustle and meticulously honed her skills along the way. She's incredibly generous to share so much information about her journey and the skillsets she uses which has driven her success. In only the first 65 days of full time running her side hustle, she's made over $65K and shows no signs of stopping.
For this episode, she takes the microphone over and speaks about her journey, her side hustle, and brings in her husband and business partner Michael Poon to talk about running a business together.
Make sure you connect with Ruby on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and check out her website with links to her podcast.
Thursday May 31, 2018
25. Jason Hamborg - Committing career suicide
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
This episode is very different from any previous episodes heard here on the Why 2 Podcast, and one that I've wanted to have for over the last 5 years.
I’ve actually known Jason Hamborg (Co-Founder and Production Manager of 6ix Sigma) for a long time now, as we both went to University of Northern British Columbia to get our Human Resources degrees. But when we graduated, Jason did something very unexpected.
You see though, while I entered the HR world with all the momentum behind me, I watched Jason first hand take a radical pivot in his career to start 6ix Sigma. At the time, I thought he was conducting career suicide by taking such a dramatic step away from HR and not capitalising on all the momentum we had both worked so hard to built and instead launch a business into a fledgling industry.
But what Jason did next, was absolutely incredible and inspiring!
Wednesday May 16, 2018
24. Travis Jones - 60 seconds to live
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
From a challenging upbringing, having only 60 seconds to live, being on the brink of financial ruin, receiving death threats, and everything in between, Travis is the first to say that he shouldn't be successful. But he is! he is!
He has successfully started multiple multi-million dollar businesses over the last few years and shows no signs of stopping!
Frankly speaking, Travis Jones hardly needs an introduction. But, just in case you haven’t heard of Travis, he is the Managing Director of the RBT gyms, runs a Small Business Consulting company, a Digital Agency called Think Tank, and if that’s not impressive enough, he’s also just in the process of launching a Health and Fitness App.
Travis’s story is absolutely incredible, to say the least, as we explore how we went from a professional rugby player, to having just 60 seconds to live, to starting and growing various multi-million dollar businesses.
I’ve wanted to interview Travis for a long time now, and he was actually the first person I wrote down on my list of future guests, as I believe he embodies the spirit of the Why 2 podcast in that anything is possible as he came from a disadvantaged background and has battled uphill to get the success he has now.
From selling his car to scrape enough money to open his first gym that he had to live in, to getting his life threatened, and watching him hustle and grind to make his dream a reality today through all the make or break moments,
I don’t want to say anything else to introduce him because the simple truth of Travis’s story is one that you need to just hear from himself - even if you just give it 10 or 20 minutes.
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Today’s guest is Natalie Firth, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Think Talent, Melbourne's fastest-growing, female-led recruitment agency. They specialise in executive recruitment across marketing, technology & innovation, people & culture and executive support. Think Talent was also recently awarded the Small Recruitment Agency of the year during the latest SEEK Annual Recruitment Award - one of the highest honours in the hyper-competitive industry of recruitment here in Australia.
But, what makes Natalie’s story so interesting though is the circumstances that her and her Co-Founder, Ainsley started the business in. Now, while I’m sure most people agree that starting a business can be very challenging at the best of time, but Think Talent was launched right while Natalie was pregnant with her second child and adding to her very young family.
If you’ve ever come up with an excuse as to why you can't start your business, this is a great chat that will surely make you rethink the perceived obstacles in your way!
Connect with Natalie on LinkedIn
Connect with Think Talent on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
22. Michael Ellis - What it takes to build a world class culture
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
When I learned about Michael Ellis's (Head of Culture for Vinomofo) background, I couldn't figure out why he was so successful given his background.
This conversation was a deeply personal one for me, as if you had gone back just a few years into my history, I would have told you how I aspired to work with a fast-paced, innovative, and people focused company that was redefining what Culture was in an organisation. That dream would basically have looked exactly what exactly what Mikey has done at Vinomofo. He’s worked with the Founders of Vinomofo to grow it from about 40 staff here in Australia to over 130 staff across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and now expanding into the US Market.
They’ve been featured in the Top 25 Great Places to Work 2016 list, received an award for Most Successful Staff Engagement, and have created one of the most sought-after employer brands in Australia (and one of the coolest offices that has a massive wine bar!!). However, a quick look at Mikey’s history shows that prior to his role starting at Vinomofo just 3 years ago, he had pretty much no HR experience or HR education that you would think someone would need, or at least have, to create what he has done now.
The funny thing here is that I started my university career, with the idea that if I got an HR degree, and plugged away in the Corporate HR world for 10-15 years, I might be finally in the place to do what he’s done - but obviously that was just the traditional success narrative and this chat is all about exploring Mikey’s journey to get to where he is now and how you can to.
Connect with Mikey on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin.
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
21. Aaron Price - Building a global software business from rural Australia
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Just about every time I speak with Aaron, I always came back to this one question that has been almost haunting me since I first met him; how does a guy, who got a degree in and still occasionally moonlights as a radiologist, run a successful global software company from rural Australia?
Aaron Price is one of the Co-Founders behind Wyzed and Cloudschool. Wyzed, his latest business requires little introduction as, of course, they’ve been the sponsor for the Why 2 Podcast for many episodes now. In addition to that, I’ve also been working with the team at Wyzed for the last few months and getting to know Aaron personally through that time.
Aaron has never done any formal training in business or even worked in another software company, never taken any outside investment, but he and the team have has still managed to grow this business from nothing to doubling quarter all while living in rural Australia.
I’ve personally watched him close large enterprise deals, write amazing marketing copy, forge some unlikely partnerships, become an incredible leader, and work with the rest of the team around the continuous development of the software product and company itself.
At the end of the day, Aaron has really shown me that no hurdle is too big to work towards your dreams.
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
20. Fiona Triaca - The nuts and bolts of starting a business
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
So when I sat down with Fiona my question was simply this, how does someone go from TV to Investment Banking, and finally land on Design Thinking Consulting and training?
On the surface of it, Fiona Triaca's career makes no sense. Currently, she is the Founder and CEO of Naked Ambition where they teach the habits of innovation to corporate mavericks so that they can solve complex challenges, seize opportunities and lead their company into new territory. But if we scroll back in her CV, you’ll see that she had actually received a Masters Of Arts in Creative Media and Screenwriting. But then a quick look at her working life, you’ll see that while she did have a short stint in film, she quickly switched to the world of Investment Banking where she spent over 8 years before starting Naked Ambition.
What I found was a very interesting insight as to the fundamental skills, insights, and mentality that she used to climb her way up in the Investment Banking world where she quickly identified an opportunity that led her to start her business. This is an especially important chat if you’ve ever noticed a problem with your industry or the nature of your work and had a brilliant stroke of insight as to how you might be able to change it.